+977 980-2049959 support@actnepal.com



About mSchool

mSchool is a comprehensive, integrated solution designed to bring more efficiency to schools by optimizing resource utilization across all departments. This powerful system can help schools save time and reduce operational costs by streamlining administrative tasks and automating key processes. By providing a central platform for managing academic activities, mSchool can help educators focus on what matters most – providing quality education to students.

One of the most valuable features of mSchool is its powerful business intelligence tools. With a variety of reports and analytics tools, administrators can gain valuable insights into student performance, teacher effectiveness, and resource utilization. These insights can help educators make data-driven decisions, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and implement effective solutions. Furthermore, mSchool makes this information available at the touch of a button, from anywhere in the world. With easy access to critical information, educators can be more agile and responsive, allowing them to better support students and improve the quality of education.

Overall, mSchool is a valuable tool for schools seeking to improve their operations and better support student success. With its comprehensive set of features and powerful analytics tools, mSchool can help schools run more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and provide better education to students.

Streamlined administrative tasks and automated processes

Better resource utilization and optimization across all departments

Enhanced communication and collaboration between teachers, staff, and students

Improved parent-teacher engagement and communication

Comprehensive student performance tracking and analytics tools

More efficient attendance management and reporting

Online examination and assessment tools

Advanced library management system for easy book tracking and circulation