+977 980-2049959 support@actnepal.com



About mCRM

Mobile Customer Relationship Management (mCRM) systems integrate all of a company’s key business processes, such as accounting, inventory management, and supply chain management, into a single platform. By providing a comprehensive view of the company’s operations, mCRM systems can help managers make better informed decisions, reduce operational costs, and improve the overall efficiency of the organization.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help businesses manage their relationships with customers and streamline the sales process. By tracking customer interactions, such as emails, phone calls, and purchases, CRM systems allow businesses to provide better customer support, identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, and improve customer retention. Additionally, by providing a central repository for customer information, CRM systems can help sales teams work more efficiently and make data-driven decisions. Overall, by integrating these systems, businesses can improve their operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Cloud Based Application

Runs on any browser

Improves Productivity of Businesses

Included Mobile Application

Control Business from anywhere


The Benefits

–> Scalability: Cloud-based ERP solutions are highly scalable, allowing you to easily add or remove users and adjust resources based on your needs.

–> Lower upfront costs: Cloud-based ERP solutions generally have lower upfront costs than on-premise solutions, as you don’t need to invest in expensive hardware or infrastructure.

–> Automatic updates: With cloud-based ERP, updates are automatically applied, ensuring that you always have the latest version of the software without having to spend time and money on manual updates.

–> Improved accessibility: As long as you have an internet connection, you can access your cloud-based ERP system from anywhere, allowing you to work remotely or on-the-go.

–> Improved collaboration: Cloud-based ERP systems facilitate collaboration and communication between team members, as all relevant data is stored in a centralized location and can be accessed by authorized users.

–> Enhanced security: Cloud-based ERP solutions often have advanced security features, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect your data from unauthorized access.

–> Better disaster recovery: With cloud-based ERP, your data is stored in a secure off-site location, which makes it easier to recover in the event of a disaster or system failure.